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June 27, 2024

7 Reasons to Add Online Services to Your ALEX

June 13, 2024

5 Ways ALEX Bulletins Build Better Book Experiences

February 28, 2024

Streamlining Library Operations: A Deep Dive into Automation Technologies

December 21, 2023

Flexible Tech: ALEX Anywhere, Anytime & Share Your Book Love

December 13, 2023

A Tech-Savvy Library: Transforming Your Services through Automation

December 12, 2023

Wondering What Your Library Management Software Can Do for You? Find out!

June 21, 2023

Journey Back to School with these Great Titles

April 15, 2020

How to Keep Your Library Services Active During Quarantine

We’ve compiled a list of ideas to help you connect and serve your library community during this rare and unprecedented time.
March 26, 2020

7 Alexandria Features to Aid Remote Learning

Make reading and learning happen anywhere with Alexandria! We’ve gathered our top seven features to help educators transition to remote learning.
December 31, 2019

5 Goal Setting Tips For School Librarians

Read up on effective strategies for setting goals for your school library in the new year.
November 26, 2019

How to Keep Your Library Clean During Cold and Flu Season

‘Tis the season for germs! Keeping the library clean may seem like a challenging task, but we have a few tips and tricks you can use to keep you and your students healthy for the holidays.
October 28, 2019

Thankful For November Posters

This November, we are thankful for the ability to share our free reading posters with our librarian community. Download November's posters and share pictures of them in your library with us!
March 19, 2019

Life-Altering Magic of Tidying Up Your Library

School libraries tend to get cluttered—and fast. We have five tips on how you can spark joy in your library space by clearing out the clutter and making room for inspiration!
February 9, 2019

9 Reasons to Build a Digital Library at Your School

Ebooks are transforming the dynamics of education by engaging students to learn in exciting new ways. Learn how to build up your digital library collection.
January 19, 2019

Library Genrefication: The Do’s and Don’ts

8 Must read do's and don'ts for Genrefying your school library. Before ditching Dewey check out these tips and tricks for flipping your library collection.
January 31, 2018

7 Ways to Shelve Library Books Fast

For new librarians, getting in the groove may be taking its time. Even seasoned librarians can benefit from a tip or two! If you want to speed up the shelving process check out these seven tips.
April 17, 2017

Get Ahead at the End of the Year

The end of the school year can tend to be an extremely busy time of the year. Preparing for inventory, collecting materials, dealing with charges and fees, getting students moved into new classes and grades, the list can go on. In order to give you some food for thought as […]
April 3, 2017

How to Create Blackout Poetry

  You have never created blackout poetry?!  You don’t know what blackout poetry is? Blackout poetry helps you explore your visually artistic side, as well as your poetic side. Let’s get started!   Step 1: Warm-up At your library you can use the Smart Search in Alexandria to find books on different types […]
February 23, 2017

The Story of Penmanship Styles in the Library

  Can you believe it was in 1885 when a librarians got together to decide on which penmanship style would be used for card catalogs? That’s right. The first card catalogs were hand written. For the entire story on these librarians created a handwriting style that would be used throughout […]
January 26, 2017

What Are People Really Saying About Alexandria

Many people know us as ‘more than just library software’. Today we review what people have been saying about Alexandria and why.   I appreciate the customer service “As a new librarian using Alexandria for the first time, I really appreciate the customer service. They answer their calls promptly and […]