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Partner Files

Files and records to use with add-ons like Capstone & Soundzabound.

Download Zip Files

On Windows
Locate the zipped file. To unzip a single file or folder, open the zipped folder, then drag the file or folder from the zipped folder to a new location. To unzip all the contents of the zipped folder, press and hold (or right-click) the folder, select Extract All, and then follow the instructions.
On Mac OS:
Double-click the zip file. The unzipped file/folder will be decompressed into the same folder the compressed (zipped) file is in.

Download Partner Files Below

MicroLIF File

MicroLIF file for importing 24 FREE Capstone eBook records into your catalog. Important Note: Never add copies when importing eBook files.

24 Capstone
Interactive Book Covers

Covers for the 24 free Capstone eBooks. To install, go to Imports > Images and choose Item Cover Art (ensure file is zipped before import).